Mississippi Car Accident Attorneys Discuss Why Text Messaging Is Still a Common Cause of Collisions

Despite the enormous efforts to raise public awareness regarding the dangers of texting and driving, drivers distracted by their cell phone while reading or sending a text continue to be a significant cause of catastrophic injury and wrongful death.  At any given time, approximately 660,000 drivers are distracted by electronic devices or cell phones according […]

Mississippi Ignition Switch GM Chevrolet Cobalt Recall, Pontiac G5, Solstice, Saturn Ion, Sky Recall

News sources are reporting that an investigation has been started by the United States Legislature into if something should have been done sooner about General Motors (GM) vehicles with bad ignition switches which have resulted in several deaths. GM has issues a recall pulling back those vehicles that have been implicated in these fatal crashes. […]

Jackson Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Discusses Risks Associated with Growing Popularity of Novelty Helmets

If you ride motorcycles in Jackson and the surrounding areas of Mississippi, you are well aware that many drivers fail to pay attention to the presence of motorcycle riders.  Because motorcycles are smaller than four wheeled vehicles, drivers of passenger vehicles frequently fail to notice or account for the possible presence of a motorcycle when […]

Why No One Should Go Without a Personal Injury Attorney

The decision to forego retaining a Mississippi personal injury attorney can be a costly one. The assistance of a knowledgeable automobile accident attorney is vital to the success of your claim. While the temptation to just accept the first settlement offer surely exists, in the field of personal injury law, rejecting that offer and securing […]

University of Mississippi Among First in the Nation to Launch New Ph.D. Program Aimed At Helping Those with Traumatic Brain Injuries Recover

The potentially devastating impact of concussions and other head injuries has made headline news in recent years due, in large part, to the prevalence of these injuries amongst football players and military personnel. In light of increasing number of concussions each year and new research on the long-term impact of such injuries, the University of […]

New Technologies that Could Change the Face of Personal Injury Law

Currently, car accidents are the number one cause of accident deaths and injuries nationwide. While increased automobile safety has led to a decline in the rate of accidents each year, numbers remain high. There are an estimated 5,500,000 car crashes annually and over 40,000 deaths. Several new technologies in the field of automobiles hold the […]

Mississippi Accident Attorney Discusses 10 Tips to Avoid Car Accidents

Nearly six million car accidents occur each year nationwide.  Mississippi is ranked among the most dangerous states for drivers, with accident rates and automobile crash fatalities exceeding the national average.  Car accidents are not always preventable, but there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of being in an automobile accident in Mississippi. […]

One Dead, Two Injured in Saucier, Mississippi Crash

Jennifer Stapel, an 18-year-old college student at Mississippi’s Gulf Coast Community College, was driving herself and her friend, Brianna Medina, 19, back to the school’s Perkinston campus after a night spent watching a movie in Gulfport.  After this, Stapel remembers nothing.  Stapel woke up at Memorial Hospital at Gulfport, suffering from a broken ankle and […]

Dangerous Cycling: Bicycle Accidents in Mississippi

Dr. Joe Campbell was riding his bicycle on Clarksdale Street in Clarksdale, Mississippi at approximately 6:00 a.m.  At the same time that Dr. Campbell was riding down the two-lane road, Christopher Brown drove the same road to work on Lee Drive.  The weather was overcast, having rained earlier, and the lighting not particularly good.  Brown […]

Wintry Weather Causing Hazardous Conditions on Mississippi Roadways

This past winter, the questions has often been posed: will this winter weather ever end?  Mississippi has seen an unprecedented amount of ice, snow, and wintery mix thus far this winter, and it seems the end is not yet in sight.  This inclement weather has caused numerous accidents, some fatal, and many closures of roads […]