Fire Truck Accidents, Lawsuits and Lawyers in Mississippi

Mississippi Workplace Injury Attorney Talks about Fire Truck Accidents In September, one firefighter died, and two others were seriously injured when a fire truck rolled over while the driver was responding to an emergency call. The accident occurred along a sharp curve in the road that area residents recognize as a dangerous location. Multiple accidents […]

Mississippi Birth Injury Attorneys Discuss Obstetric Violence

Obstetric violence is something that you would like to think would never, ever happen. Unfortunately, violent acts are sometimes committed against pregnant women in their most vulnerable hour – during labor and delivery – by the people that they have trusted to care for them during the birth of their child. An Alabama mother recently […]

Mississippi Workplace Injury Attorneys Talk About Marine Towing Accidents

Did you know that the leading cause of death among towing industry workers is falling off of vessels? Last year, six towing industry workers fell to their deaths. Fortunately, crew fatalities have been declining steadily overall within the industry. In 2015, there were seven deaths per hundred thousand employees in the towing industry, which is […]

Mississippi Personal Injury Attorney Discusses Cyclist Brain Injuries

brain injury scans

A cyclist has made a remarkable recovery from a serious crash that resulted in a serious brain injury, among other injuries. The accident put him into a medically induced coma for a time, and he has titanium implants throughout his face, but he has now reached a point where he can compete again. The connection […]

Mississippi Brain Injury Attorney Discusses Brain Injuries and Future Outcomes

Kids bump their heads in all kinds of ways, and parents do the best they can to supervise them and then hope for the best each time that they do fall and bump their heads. Unfortunately, some of those seemingly harmless head knocks may have long-lasting negative medical and social effects. Difficulties with learning and […]

Mississippi Car Accident Attorneys Explain What Happens When Police Investigate A Car Crash

Police called to the scene of a car crash are immediately swamped with numerous decisions to make. Accident scenes are emotionally charged and can be chaotic. Police must deal with people at their most vulnerable. Minutes pass like hours in the immediate aftermath of a crash, especially a violent crash in which people are severely […]

Mississippi Medical Malpractice Attorneys Caution That Claims Can Be Barred By Wrongful Conduct

Healthcare professionals have a duty to treat their patients with reasonable care. What happens if the doctor prescribes painkilling medication that leads to an opiate addiction? Is the doctor responsible? With the opiate crisis in the United States reaching pandemic proportion as a result of over-prescribing prescription drugs, medical malpractice lawsuits present an alternative for […]

Can I Still Recover Damages If I’m Partially to Blame For the Accident?

The defense will always try to blame the injured person for causing an accident. In years past, the injured party could not recover any award if they somehow contributed to causing the accident. The jury could return a verdict awarding zero dollars if the injured party, called the plaintiff in court, was merely one percent […]

What Happens at an Independent Medical Examination?

Courts permit independent medical examinations of plaintiffs in certain lawsuits. An independent medical examination, or IME, is a tool for the defense to use against a plaintiff to determine if the plaintiff has reached a full recovery or reached a medical result for treatment. Attorneys defending insurance companies commonly use IMEs to show that the […]

Mississippi Wrongful Death Attorneys Discuss Pedestrian Accidents

A recent fatal pedestrian accident occurred in West Orange when a bus hit an eighty-two-year-old woman. The accident happened at an intersection, where the bus was attempting to make a left turn onto the street as the woman was crossing the road. After the collision, the bus driver got out of the bus, called the […]