Category Archives: Birth Injuries

Mississippi Birth Injury Attorneys Discuss the Risks of Elective C-Sections

Birth Injuries lawyer

Sometimes, the person who is injured by birth is the mother, not the baby. All parents wish for a safe and healthy birth for their baby. They also wish for a safe and healthy birthing experience for themselves, or for the mother of their child, if they are not the one who is actually, physically […]

Mississippi Birth Injury Attorneys Explain What They Do

Mississippi Birth Injury Attorneys

Mississippi Birth Injury Attorneys Explain What They Do You already know that the hours of labor and delivery that a mother and child experience as part of the birth process are a journey that is unlike anything else that they will ever experience in their lives. During the unique experience of labor, delivery, and birth, […]

Forceps Injury Lawsuits and Claims Lawyers in Mississippi

Mississippi Birth Injury Attorneys

Mississippi Birth Injury Attorneys Talk About Forceps Injury Lawsuits, Settlements and Claims. Some birth injuries happen when doctors try to hurry the birth process. One child and his family are looking at a future that involves coping with a range of intellectual and physical disabilities due to an injury that occurred when a doctor used […]

Mississippi Birth Injury Attorneys Discuss Obstetric Violence

Obstetric violence is something that you would like to think would never, ever happen. Unfortunately, violent acts are sometimes committed against pregnant women in their most vulnerable hour – during labor and delivery – by the people that they have trusted to care for them during the birth of their child. An Alabama mother recently […]