Zofran (ondansetron HCl Dihydrate) is produced by Glaxo Wellcome Pharmaceuticals and is often prescribed to treat nausea during pregnancy. It is not fully known how the drug works but millions in our country have been prescribed this medication in a very free fashion because the potentially dangerous nature of the drug for expectant mothers was never disclosed by the Pharmaceutical company. Zofran was believed to be safe to treat any number of nausea symptoms during pregnancy. There have been new reports that Zofran has been linked to birth defects in babies, including cleft palate, cleft lip and congenital heart defects.
Our firm is investigating these claims and would be happy to speak with any individual who has questions about their child’s cleft palate, cleft lip or heart defect and any possible links to the medications they have been prescribed. If you or a family member has recently had a child with a cleft palate, cleft lip or other heart defect after taking Zofran you may need to act now to preserve your rights. Our attorneys are available 24 hours a day and we have gathered additional information if you or a loved one would like information on this topic.
When you contact our firm, consider the following questions: Why was Zofran prescribed? Do you have any known allergy to Zofran? The dosage amounts of Zofran and directions on use. (the prescription bottle may contain this information).