What You Need to Know If You Suffer Catastrophic Injury in a Mississippi Motor Vehicle Accident
When you suffer a catastrophic injury, the impact on your life and the lives of your family can be devastating. When the cause of such an injury is the negligent or intentional actions of an individual, public entity or business, you may need to pursue a personal injury claim for medical bills, cost of supportive and/or rehabilitative care, lost wages, diminished earnings and other financial hardships. These types of injuries derive their name from the dramatic prolonged impact that they have on the individual who is injured. The long-term needs and expense associated with a catastrophic injury far exceed those who suffer less serious injuries.
At the Giddens Law Firm, our Mississippi personal injury attorneys understand the physical, emotional and financial challenges associated with catastrophic injuries. We recognize that the expense associated with these types of injuries makes obtaining full financial recovery from a negligent driver or manufacturer of a defective product critical to maintaining a high quality of life and providing for one’s family. We provide legal representation and facilitate access to supportive and rehabilitative resources for the full range of catastrophic injuries including:
• Severe Burns
• Spinal Cord Injuries
• Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
• Neurological Disorders
• Paralysis (paraplegia/quadriplegia)
• Amputations
• Multiple broken bones
• Cerebral Palsy (and other serious birth injuries)
Mississippi lawsuits involving catastrophic injuries pose special issues so representation by a Mississippi catastrophic injury attorney is important. When injury victims suffer this type of injury, they may need ongoing medical and supportive care for years or an entire lifetime. Severe burns may require dozens of surgeries over a number of years, for example, so it can be an advantage to be represented by an attorney familiar with the specific type of injury. If you are represented by a personal injury attorney with experience handling these types of cases, the attorney is in a better position to anticipate future medical and supportive expenses. Future lost compensation from employment also must be calculated and reduced to present value.
These types of cases can also present challenges in terms of the available insurance to satisfy a judgment or settlement. If you are injured in an auto accident, Mississippi law only requires drivers to carry liability coverage in the amount of $25,000 per victim and $50,000 per accident for bodily injury. This amount will prove woefully inadequate if you suffer a TBI. Further, many serious car accidents are caused by drunk drivers or other motorists who may have terrible driving records and no insurance. While you may have uninsured motorist coverage (UM), this coverage also will not be sufficient to cover the loss associated with these severe types of debilitating injuries.
We investigate the liability of other parties to identify viable defendants with sufficient insurance coverage to satisfy an appropriate verdict or settlement. When an individual suffers a serious brain injury in a motorcycle crash, we might consider liability of the motorcycle manufacturer for a product defect, a public entity for an unsafe roadway or a bars/restaurant for a drunk driving accident under the Mississippi dram shop law.
If you or someone close to you has suffered a catastrophic injury because of the negligent or intentional conduct of another, this may entitle the injury victim to financial compensation. We invite you to contact our Mississippi personal injury law firm for a free consultation with a Jackson personal injury attorney. We invite you to call us today at (601) 355-2022 to see how we can help!
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