When Should You Hire a Mississippi Truck Accident Lawyer?

Truck accidents are different from car accidents due to the sheer size and weight of the truck, which can cause catastrophic injuries and lead to life-changing injuries. Multiple parties are often involved in truck accidents, including the truck driver, trucking company, and even the truck manufacturer, making the legal process overwhelming. You need a qualified Mississippi truck accident lawyer to help you during this difficult time.

If you have been involved in a truck accident, you must take swift action. Seeking medical attention for any injuries should be your top priority. Once you have received medical care, it is essential to consult with a truck accident lawyer to understand your legal options and protect your rights. 

It is important to note that time limits, known as statutes of limitations, apply to filing a lawsuit. In most states, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases resulting from a truck accident is two to three years. A truck accident lawyer can help ensure that your case is filed within the appropriate time frame.

Here are some key reasons to hire a Mississippi truck accident lawyer at Giddens Law Firm:

You Sustained Serious Injuries from a Truck Accident

Serious injuries resulting from a truck accident are a significant sign that you need a truck accident lawyer. These injuries can be life-changing and may include spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, amputations, severe burns, and even death.

The aftermath of a truck accident injury can include lifelong medical care, rehabilitation, and lost income. Injuries can also impact your quality of life and ability to perform daily tasks. It is essential to work with a truck accident lawyer who can help you recover the compensation you deserve for these life-changing injuries.

A truck accident lawyer can help investigate the accident, gather evidence, and determine who was at fault. They can also work with medical experts to determine the extent of your injuries and the long-term impact they may have on your life. A skilled lawyer can help you negotiate with insurance companies to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

A Truck Accident Lawyer Will Determine Who Is Responsible for the Accident

In the event of a truck accident involving multiple parties, it can be challenging to determine who is at fault and to what extent each party should be held responsible. This is especially true in cases where multiple vehicles are involved, including the truck itself.

A truck accident lawyer can help determine who is responsible for the accident, identify all parties involved, and build a case against them. They can also help determine the extent of each party’s liability, a task that can prove challenging to determine on your own.

In situations where multiple parties are involved, it is also essential to act promptly. Evidence can quickly vanish, and memories can fade. Hiring an experienced truck accident lawyer as soon as possible can ensure that critical is gathered and preserved and witnesses are interviewed before their recollection of events fades.

Liability Disputes Between Multiple Parties in a Truck Accident

Liability disputes can arise in truck accidents when there are questions about who is responsible for the accident and the resulting damages. These disputes necessitate a thorough investigation of the accident scene, as well as an analysis of the applicable laws and regulations.

Multiple parties can include the truck driver, the trucking company, and other drivers on the road. In addition, there may be questions about the condition of the truck, the maintenance of the truck, and other factors that could have contributed to the accident.

Liability disputes can also arise in cases where the truck driver was working at the time of the accident. In these cases, the trucking company may be held liable for the actions of its employees. Similarly, if the truck was carrying hazardous materials, the company that manufactured the materials may be held responsible for any damages that result from the accident.

A Truck Accident Attorney Will Negotiate with the Insurance Company

In some cases, insurance companies may refuse to pay the full amount or any amount at all for damages resulting from a truck accident. This can be frustrating for the victim, who may have suffered serious injuries and incurred significant expenses.

The insurance company may dispute liability and coverage limitations. Insurance companies will try to downplay the severity of the damages or injuries sustained in the accident in an effort to minimize their payout.

In such situations, it is important to have a truck accident lawyer on your side who can advocate for your rights and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your damages. Your lawyer can negotiate with the insurance company and provide evidence to support your claim, including medical records, witness statements, and police reports.

If negotiations with the insurance company are unsuccessful, your lawyer may recommend filing a lawsuit to pursue compensation through the legal system. This can involve taking the case to court and presenting evidence in the court before a judge or jury.

Insurance Company Offers An Unfair Settlement for Your Truck Accident Injuries

Insurance companies will often try to pay out as little as possible to accident victims, even if the settlement offered does not cover the full extent of damages incurred.  If the insurance company is offering you an amount that doesn’t seem fair or reasonable, it’s time to consult with a truck accident lawyer. They can review the details of your case and help you determine the true value of your damages.

It’s essential to recognize that accepting a low settlement offer could result in long-term financial consequences. You may end up paying out of pocket for medical bills, property damage, and other expenses related to the accident. An experienced truck accident lawyer can help you navigate the legal process and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your damages.

Long-term Disabilities

Truck accidents can cause devastating injuries, including long-term disabilities that may require extensive ongoing medical treatment and care. Injuries such as spinal cord damage, brain injuries, and amputations can result in permanent disabilities that can affect the victim’s quality of life and their ability to work and provide for themselves and their families.

Long-term disabilities can also result in substantial medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and lost income. The injured party may require ongoing medical care, therapy, or specialized equipment, such as wheelchairs, prosthetics, or home modifications. These expenses can quickly become overwhelming, leaving the victim and their already struggling family.

Furthermore, a truck accident lawyer can also provide emotional support and guidance to the victim and their family during this difficult time. A truck accident can be a traumatic experience, but with the help of a knowledgeable and compassionate lawyer, you can focus on recovering while they handle the legal aspects of your case.

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