According to the American Medical Association’s own statistics, the number of physicians in the United States has increased by forty (40%) percent since 1990. In 2004, Mississippi enacted tort reform, enacting a one size fits all approach, hardly fair to injured victims, taking away the jury as a way to decide what a victim’s pain and suffering is worth. It is sad that injured Mississippians now have these civil justice restrictions which limit the ability of individuals and families, injured through no fault of their own, to hold negligent healthcare providers accountable. The Mississippi legislature ten (10) years later, continues to ignore that nearly 100,000 people per year are killed as a result of the high rate of medical negligence. There were intent and has succeeded in limiting victim’s right while padding the profits of the insurance industry.
Consider the former insurance commissioner, Jay Angoff, who found in a 2005 study that insurance companies have been sticking to the doctors, raising their insurance premiums even though the claims/pay-outs have been on the decline. Research shows that a simple look at the annual statements of the largest insurance companies, premiums rose by 120.2% between 2000 and 2004 while their claim pay-outs rose by 5.7 %. American Association for Justice
Many injured victims and their families in Mississippi ask me how could their legislature protect big businesses and insurance companies over the actual people who voted to put them into office. Most of the insurance companies do not even have their principle place of business in Mississippi and are only conducting business here.
The Giddens Law Firm continues to fight for justice making our case to the public and to our clients telling the real story about the civil justice system. It is state and local trial lawyers who have an unwavering commitment to justice that ensures that every individual and family in Mississippi is on a level playing field in the courtroom. Giddens Law Firm holds wrongdoers accountable.
Giddens Law Firm works to make sure any person who is injured by the misconduct and/or negligence of others can get justice in the courtroom even in the face of taking on the most powerful of interests.
The political process in Mississippi has allowed drug and oil industries, big insurance companies and other large corporations to engulf, surpass and overtake the interests of the common, every day, blue-collar, 9-5, hard-working and independent Mississippian and their families.