BP Business Oil Spill Claims from GCCF and Deepwater Horizon Spill

BP Business Claims

When the BP oil spill occurred on April 20, 2010 it didn’t just affect the fishing industry or the tourism industry, it effected everyone. The entire economy was slowed down by the spill and businesses all over the southeast lost revenue during that time. In 2012, funds were set aside by BP to pay back any type of business which showed a loss on its financial statements in the time after the oil spill.

Every type of business has a potential claim. Giddens Law Firm has been assessing these claims and helping businesses file these claims.

No Risk

Any type of business can file a claim, our experienced attorneys can quickly determine if your business is eligible for settlement funds and submit your claim.

Our assessment is free, you owe us nothing until we collect for you.

We have seen claims from:

Retail stores
Law Firms
Car dealerships
Electronics sales